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O que está incluído:
Acesso ao registro por 180 dias

Programa de aula

– Концепция движений терминальной шарнирной оси

– Миостабилизированное центральное соотношение: определение

– Манипуляция PK. Thomas и Lauritzen и маневр P. Dawson: недостатки

– Методика регистрации центрального соотношения с применением восковых пластинок

– Создание переднего окклюзионного упора: показания и методика

– Воспроизводимость центрального соотношения: методика Split cast.

Habilidades que vou aprender no curso

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Creator of the OCTA concept. Professor Jean-Daniel Orthlieb is an educationist, researcher and specialist in Occlusodontology.

He received his doctorate in dentistry (DDS) in 1978 from the Faculty of Dentistry, Aix-Marseille University, France.

He was certified in Anthropology in 1979, in fixed prosthodontic and оcclusodontology in 1980.

He received his "Doctorat en Sciences Odontologiques" (DSO) in 1983.

He became an assistant with the fixed prosthodontic department in 1985.

He received his "Doctorat d'Université " – University thesis in 1990 (PhD).

In 1993 he was "Maître de conférence des Universités", Chairman of the Occlusion and Dysfunction department of the Faculty of Dentistry of Marseille. In this university, he was in charge of a postgraduate education program in occlusion and TMD and a postgraduate education program in fixed prosthetic.

From 2007, he has beed a Full University Professor.

He is Visiting professor of Donau University.

He was President of the French National College of Occlusodontology in 1995-1996, he is a member of the European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders.

He was President of the International Academy of Advanced Interdisciplinary Dentistry (iAAID).

He has published 6 books and more than 130 scientific papers about occlusion, TMD and prosthetic.

Research interests: fixed prosthodontic, occlusodontology, craniomandibular disorders.

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