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Импакция и ретенция: ортодонтическое и хирургическое лечение

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11 aulas  (16h 10m)
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Ортодонтические и хирургические протоколы лечения импакции и ретенции зубов собраны в одном курсе!


Вы изучите авторские методики Patricia Vergara, Chris Chang, Jean Marc Dersot, Alessandro Mario Greco. Тех лекторов, для которых тема лечения импакции и ретенции, является профильной.


В ходе данного обучения вы изучите:

– Ортодонтические протоколы лечения импакции зубов
– Хирургические протоколы лечения импакции зубов
– Элайнер-терапию импакции зубов
–  Протоколы лечения ретенции зубов
– Осложнения лечения импакции зубов
– Ошибки при лечении импакции зубов.

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conferências (4 pessoas)

Professor of Orthodontics at the University of Cartagena, Colombia. Visiting Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Lecturer's main topic of ​​interest: treatment of impaction and gingival smile
Dr. Chris Chang is the founder of Beethoven Orthodontic Center and Newton’s A Inc. in Hsinchu, Taiwan. He received his PhD in Bone Physiology and Certificate in Orthodontics from Indiana University. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and an active member of Angle Society-Midwest. Dr. Chang is the publisher of JDO and has authored and co-authored many orthodontic books, including Orthodontics Vols. 1-6, as well as Words of Wisdom, Jobsology and Trumpology. He is the inventor of OrthoBoneScrews (OBS).

Member of Italian Board of Orthodontics (I.B.O.), Member of European Board of Orthodontists (E.B.O.), Active Member of Italian Society of Orthodontics (S.I.D.O.), Active Member of Italian Academy of Orthodontics (A.I.d.Or.), Active Member of European Orthodontic Society (E.O.S.), Active Member of World Federation of Orthodontists (W.F.O.), Member of European Aligner Society (E.A.S.), 

Past-President (2013-15) of the Italian Society of Bidimensional Technique (S.I.Te.Bi), Past President (2013) of the Italian Association of Orthodontists Specialist (A.S.I.O.),

International Clinical Speaker Invisalign (2013). Author of scientific papers on national and international journals, speaker at nationals and international courses and meetings.

DDS, MSc, PhD Past-President of the French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology (SFPIO) International Member of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Associated Member of the National Academy of Dental Surgery (ANCD) Dental Expert at the Appeal Court of Paris 60 articles in journals in French and English, one quoted on the website Evidence-based Dentistry of the ADA in the orthodontic chapter.

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