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9 aulas  (10h 20m)
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Протоколы работы с композитом в техниках самых известных мировых школ: японской, европейской и южноамериканской!


В рамках курса вы изучите:


– современные адгезивные протоколы в прямой реставрации

– методы неинвазивной и минимально инвазивной реставрации зубов 

– протоколы концепции биомиметики

– технику cтресс-редуцированной прямой композитной реставрации

– технику поднятия глубокого поддесневого края

– технику wallpapering 

– технику стратификации и протоколы создания виниров на фронтальные зубы

– технику гиперхроматического наслоения композитных материалов при лечении боковых и передних зубов.


После прохождения обучения вы сможете применять многочисленные техники, протоколы и концепции в своей ежедневной практике и будете готовы лечить случаи, независимо от их сложности, используя наиболее эффективные лайфхаки в прямой реставрации!

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conferências (6 pessoas)

Renowned Japanese dentist, professor and researcher in the field of restorative dentistry.

Made significant contributions to the development of dental materials and technologies.

Director of the advanced dental center "Quartz".

Author of 600+ scientific articles and 20+ books on restorative dentistry.

D.D.S, Ph.D. Board Certified Specialist of the Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry. Active member of The Japanese society of Adhesive Dentistry.
DMD, PhD. An assistant professor at Szeged University, operative dentistry department. Private practitioner since 2013. Founder of the Biomimetic Hub, the official ambassador of the Alleman Center for Biomimetic Dentistry.
Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation from the University of Chile. Professor at Diego Portales University. Private Practice owner in Santiago, Chile. International speaker and a researcher in the field of biomimetic dentistry.

OHI-S is the world's leading educational platform for dentists worldwide!


Our core product is training led by the top global speakers in all branches of dentistry. On our platform, you will find courses covering every dental specialty. We offer a comprehensive range of educational formats: congresses, seminars, hands-on workshops, and online courses.


We provide education in 7 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Ukrainian, Russian.


Our offline projects take place in the most picturesque locations around the world: Kyoto, Florence, Rome, Bologna, Vienna, Berlin, and Prague. Our clients always have a unique opportunity to combine acquiring valuable knowledge with experiencing rich cultural environments.


OHI-S is not just a platform, it’s an entire ecosystem for professionals. Our mobile application, marketplace, and specialized social network connect dentists from all corners of the globe, creating a powerful community for knowledge exchange and collective growth.