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– Этиологические факторы гнатологических проблем: взаимовлияние скелетных костей, зубов и мышц

– Анатомия и патофизиология ВНЧС

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– Цели выравнивания положения нижней челюсти

– Постуральные изменения и положение ВНЧС: взаимосвязь

– Восстановление вертикального размера окклюзии: задачи

– Показания и преимущества метода дистракции.

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Received his M.D. Degree from the University of Genoa in 1980 and specialized in Odontostomatology in 1983. In 1982/83 he taught "Prosthesis and Biomechanics" at the Ligurian Regional Training Course of Dental Technology sponsored by EEC. He was a Lecturer on "Dental and maxillofacial prosthetic Clinical Medicine I" at the Institute specializing in Odontostomatology of the University of Genoa during the years 1983/84/85/86. In the years 1983 to 1986 and 1990 to 1992 he was Head of a "Prosthesis Department" at the Clinic of Dentistry of the University of Genoa In 1988/89/90/97/98 he obtained an integrating contract as a Professor for the "Prosthesis Course" which is part of the Graduation Course of Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis. In 1996 he obtained his Ph.D. Degree, Siena University, Italy. From 1994 to 1999 he was Head of the Gnathology Department at the Clinic of Dentistry of the University of Genoa, Italy. He has achieved the Master in Posturology near the University “La Sapienza” in Rome in 2005 Since 1982 Dr. Silvestrini has been engaged in research in gnathologic and prosthetic fields which, in 1986, led to the design and implementation of a completely automated metal etching and electroplating system for the Maryland technique, provided with error correction. In 1992 he developed an easy-to-use postural platform “ScanPosture®” for an immediate differential diagnosis, to be used by the Dentists for a gnathologic evaluation of their patients. In 1993, he developed a new tooth-implant design for a correct distribution of occlusal loads between natural abutments and fixtures which has been subject matter of research and verification through simulation with computer-finished elements. This study was made in cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Genoa, and with the contribution of two Engineers who received their Research Doctorate in "Computational Analysis of Structures" and "Structural Engineering", respectively, from the "Construction Theory Institute". In 1988 he devised an original system to be applied to a semi-individual articulator, based on Monson's theory for the individual definition of occlusal plane compensation curves “Calottometer®”. This system was developed over the years and realized in 1995 in cooperation with the firm Girrbach-Artex, Pforzheim, Germany, a world leader in the sector of articulators. Teacher at IDRR since 2004 "Indian Dentist Research & Review", , India, on topics of gnathology and posturology in India, United Arab Emirates In 2008 found the cultural association Global Occlusion Easy Learning and the related site to develop and share gnathology research and up-to-date knowledge between corses and brainstorming in a special net of specialists. Actually is Adjunct Professor at University Jaume I, Castellon, Spain from 2018 He is author and co-author of more than one hundred publications and 15 books, over two hundred conference at national and international Conventions. Private practice in Genoa, Italy. In 2019 publish your book “Trattamento semplificato in Gnatologia” (Italian) and “Tratamiento simplificado en Gnatologia” (Spanish version).

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