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Bonded Functional Esthetic Prototype (BFEP) Long Term in Composites: a Solution for Complex Situations in Oral Rehabilitation (part 2)


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O que está incluído:
1h 33m
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Programa de aula

- Introduction to Dental Photography (Photography Protocol)

- Introduction "Smile Analysis"and PhotoshopSmile Design Techniques: the PSD technique

- Transferring the "PSD": from Digital to Wax-up

- Analysis of the live patient

- Bonded Functional Esthetic Prototypes: Short Term Long Term

- Tips/Tricks with Anterior Functional Esthetic Prototypes (i.e. bonded mock-ups)

- Preparations for Anterior Etched Ceramic Restorations (ECR)

- HT Zirconia: When and How to bond it?

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Dr. Johan Figueira graduated from School of Dentistry at Universidad Central de Venezuela in 2009.

Dentistry at Universidad Central de Venezuela in 2009. In 2010, he was accepted into the Esthetic Restorative Program at the U.C.L.A. Center for Esthetic Dentistry where he continues his studies under leadership of preeminent Prosthodontic and Master Ceramist, Dr. Edward McLaren.

After he graduated he become an instructor at UCLA Center for Esthetic Dentistry for 7 years. Also, during this time he was training under Dr. Frank Spear. Dr. John Kois and Dr. Pascal Magne.

Dr. Figueira is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Currently, Dr. Figueira has a private practice in Mexico focus in Comprehensive Dentistry cases .

He has published some articles about Ceramic Systems, Color, Photography and Communication with the lab.

He presents numerous lectures & hands-on clinics internationally, about 30 countries.

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