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The ALL-ON-4® Evolution: Updated Protocols and Clinical Studies


82 $

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O que está incluído:
0.25 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
English, Russian
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Programa de aula

– Immediate loading protocols for MALO CLINIC bridge
– Non-clinical stage of development of the ALL-ON-4® surgical protocols
– Anatomical and biomechanical study of the mandible rehabilitation protocols with the ALL-ON-4® surgical protocol
– Anatomical and biomechanical study of the maxilla rehabilitation protocols with the ALL-ON-4® surgical protocol
– Follow-up of the ALL-ON-4® in the mandible and maxilla and literature review
– Analysis of full-mouth rehabilitation clinical cases.


Recommended for: Prosthodontists, Periodontists, Implantologists, Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, General dentists.

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conferências (2 pessoas)

Miguel de Araújo Nobre is Head of the MALO CLINIC Research & Development Department since 2002, also being Head of the Oral Hygiene Department at the Lisbon clinic since the same date. Graduated in Oral Hygiene by the ISAVE – Institute of Higher Education of Alto Ave – and with a Master degree in Epidemiology by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, Miguel de Araújo Nobrejoined the MALO CLINIC team in 1999.Being a key reference speaker in Implant Maintenance, Miguel de Araújo Nobrehas presented in several national and international trainings and conferences under this topic. His also author and co-author of over 50 scientific articles, as well as clinicalarticles and book chapters in Oral Rehabilitation and Implantology.

Сurrently the Clinical Director of the Imaging Department at PgO UCAM.

Exclusive clinical practice in Implantology, Oral Surgery and Periodontology.

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