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Бесплатный вебинар Михаила Соломонова. O чем не думают стоматологи

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Programa de aula

Учитесь у доктора Михаила Соломонова:


Авторский онлайн-курс “Сложные случаи в эндодонтии”

3-летняя Углубленная Программа по Эндодонтии д-ра Михаила Соломонова (9 модулей)

и многое другое!



Уникальная возможность посетить бесплатный вебинар Михаила Соломонова, доктора, который не нуждается в особом представлении!


О чем не думают стоматологи?


– Биология периапикальных процессов 

– Принятие клинических решений, выполнение лечебных манипуляций и грамотные сроки наблюдения

– Ловушки. Danger zone 

– Эндодонтия и ортопедия

– Опасности обучения на клинических примерах

– Кривая Гауса

– Доказательная медицина

– Формула успеха.

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Michael Solomonov, DMD, is an Israeli board certified endodontist and the director of the Postgraduate Endodontic program in Endodontics at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, IDF, Israel .




Dr. Solomonov received his DMD degree at the Tel Aviv University in Israel in 1994, and in 2002 graduated from the 3 years postgraduate program in Endodontology at the Hebrew University – Hadassah in Jerusalem.




From 2003 to 2010 Dr. Solomonov served as an clinical instructor at the Hebrew University, Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Department of Endodontics, Jerusalem. From 2011 he serves as the director of the postgraduate endodontic program in Endodontic department at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, IDF, Israel.




From 2008 Dr. Solomonov is an examiner for the Israeli Board of Endodontics at the Scientific Council of the Israeli Dental Association.




He is a member of the American Association of Endodontics (AAE), the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) and the Israeli Endodontic society.




Dr. Solomonov has presented and lectured at national and international congresses in Israel, Russia, Greece, Poland, Japan, Italy, Ukraine, South Korea,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, Moldova, Spain, France, Canada, and Slovenia.




He has published over 60 articles, as well as textbook on clinical endodontics.




Since 1999 he operates a private practice limited to endodontics. He is the founder of the Endodontic Medical Center at the Tel-Aviv metropolis, where he works clinically, alongside board certified endodontists, as well as carries out private courses on contemporary endodontics.



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