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Prosthetic restoration in the Bio-Emulative concept. Vertical Preparation Technique

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O que está incluído:
1h 33m
1.5 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Acesso ao registro por 180 dias

Programa de aula

– The scientific approach to vertical bioemulative preparation

– The difference between vertical and horizontal preparation technique

– Classification of the finish line margins: preparation with and without the margin

– Marginless preparation: feather edge and knife edge

– Advantages and disadvantages of vertical preparation technique

– The burs choice for vertical preparation technique

– The mechanical preparation of a natural abutment:

- characteristics of the finishing line

- curettage preparation and overcontour preparation technique.

– Provisional prostheses: acrylic or composite?

– Impressions: materials, impression trays, impression techniques, tissue retraction, and impression protocols

– Application of the facebow and the articulator

– The laboratory part of bioemulative crown restoration: 

- the choice of materials

- application of die spacer paint waxing

- casting and welding

- how to choose alloys.

– Occlusion in clinical practice:

- occlusal stability and centric relation

- occlusal vertical dimension

- occlusal functional and esthetic planes: Wilson, Spee and Monson,

- esthetic facebow, articulator, and axiography.

– Clinical cases of zirconia bioemulated restorations

– Clinical cases of ceramic bioemulated restorations

– Crown restoration bonding and cementation:

- zinc oxyphosphate permanent cementation

- adhesive bonding.

Recommended for: Prosthodontists, Dental technicians, General dentists.

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Msc, PhD Member of Bio-Emulation Group. Visiting professor at the university of Siena, Faculty of Dentistry. Visiting lecturer at Sheffield University, Genova University, Naples University and Brescia University. Member of Bio-Emulation Group. An active member of the Italian restorative group “Amici di Brugg”. Author of several articles on restorative and prosthetic dentistry. National and international speaker in congresses and dental meetings. Author of the books “Fixed Prosthesis with vertical margin closure” and “La Protesi Implantare” Elsevier Publishing and author of the textbook “ A STUDY INTO THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TRACING MICROLEAKAGE BY COLOR DIE INFILTRATION”.

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