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Concepts and terminology

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Programa de aula

– Splints indication referred to muscle disorders:

- neuromuscular dysfunction

- muscle spasm

- muscle spasticity

- muscle splinting.

– Splint as a device:

- nightguard

- stabilization splint

- positioning splint

- re-positioning splint

- reversible splint

- over the counter splints

- reflexed splints

- jig

- sandwich splint

- drum splint.

– Short term splints and long term splints.

Recommended for: Functional dentists, Prosthodontists, Orthodontists.

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Founder, CEO and owner of Orehab Minds GmbH, Stuttgart. Honorary member of the Romanian Dental and Maxillo-Facial Prothetic Society, the Italian Association of Gnathology. Visiting Professor of the First Moscow State Medical University. Honorary Professor of the Ukrainian State Medical Academy.