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Smile design. Principles and sequence according to the Kois principles

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69 $

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O que está incluído:
1h 1m
1 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Acesso ao registro por 180 dias

Programa de aula

– What information is required for the Smile Design? Parameters to be considered for Smile Design

– Lip dynamics and incisal edge position

– Etiology, clinical feature, diagnosis, and treatment of gingival smile

– Tooth proportion measurement tools

– Closed lengthening of the tooth crown with a laser

– Duchenne smile as a tool for the dynamics of the position of the upper lip and the canine exposure determination

– 6 stages of smile planning according to John Kois and Frank Speer

– The rule for assessing the position of the incisors "4\2\2" from Edward McLaren

– Golden Ratio for face proportions estimation

– Landmarks to create an approximal contact between the central incisors

– Phonetic analysis

– Integration of the midline with the occlusal plane and the interincisal midline on the model. Transferring data to the laboratory

– Algorithm: how to calculate the crown height increase

– Analysis of clinical cases.

Recommended for: Prosthodontists, Orthodontists, General dentists.

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Graduated from Kois Center and become mentor in 2021. Associate fellow in American academy of Esthetic dentistry. Former instructor of the Implant and Aesthetic CE program at the University of Southern California. Master and Global instructor of Digital Smile Design (DSD). Member of Invisalign® Global faculty and APAC faculty and also global speaker of invisalign. Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (CAED).

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