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Management of Adult patients with deep bites: evidence-based approach

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69 $

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O que está incluído:
1h 51m
1.75 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Acesso ao registro por 180 dias

Programa de aula

– Signs of Class 2 Division 2 malocclusion

– Causes of incisor extrusion in Class 2 Division 2 malocclusion

– Principles and protocol of treatment of Class 2 Division 2 malocclusion

– Types of intrusion and indications for their use

– Incisor intrusion or rotation of the mandible: decision-making criteria

– How to avoid root resorption?

– Bending a wire arc: demonstration of the technique

– Ways to achieve downward rotation of mandible

– Application of the Herbst appliance for the extension of mandible

– Treatment of Class 2 Division 2 malocclusion with and without tooth extraction

– Reverse curve wires for relative intrusion: indications and techniques.


Recommended for: Orthodontists.

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Founder and president of Professor Rabie’s Institute of Graduate Orthodontics.

Obtained his clinical training in Orthodontics as well as Ph.D from Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois in 1991.

28 Years of Clinical Experience Has won multiple international awards for best research published at the Int JOMFS, 1996 and again for publication at the Journal of Surgery in 2006.

Professor Rabie published intensely in Orthodontic literature, as well as, medical and scientific journals.

He has lectured around the world and has been invited, on multiple occasions, as the keynote speaker by the American Association of Orthodontics, European Association of Orthodontics, in Latin American and in Africa.

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