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Torque. Positioning of braces

4.80 (15 votos)

69 $

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O que está incluído:
2h 4m
2 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Acesso ao registro por 180 dias

Programa de aula

– Torque in orthodontics

– Design of orthodontic treatment

– Equivalent force systems: fundamentals of the concept

– The system of forces on braces and determining appliances

– Forces applied to the body movement of the tooth

– The single force concept

– The couple of forces concept: the main provisions

– Static equilibrium in orthodontic biomechanics

– Arch activation and deactivation forces

– Deactivating force systems

– Forecasting the position of the rotation center

– Selection of the microimplant position: mechanical aspects

– Determination of the need to use anchorage: mathematical calculation

– Occlusal forces as part of the anchorage

– Requirements for anchorage elements

– Asymmetric expansion of the jaws: application of differentiated forces.

Recommended for: Orthodontis, General dentist.

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conferências (1 pessoa)

Creator of the software T3do and DMA for Orthodontic treatment planning and mechanics design.

Dr. Fiorelli obtained his medical, dental, and orthodontic postgraduate degrees at the University of Siena in Italy.

He has also co-published with Prof. Birte Melsen the “Biomechanics in Orthodontics” multimedia software.

His main professional interests are orthodontic biomechanics, use of computers within the orthodontic practice, segmented arch technique and adult orthodontic treatment.

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