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conferências (8 pessoas)

DDS university Oporto Portugal.

MSC Orthodontics ISCS-Norte Portugal.

Invisalign Diamond II provider.

Invisalign Oficial Speaker.

Dental monitoring KOL and Speaker.

CEO Master Aligner Online Academy.

CEO Clinica PCMFG.

Full time Ortho practice at Oporto Portugal.


2010-2011 PG Orthognathic surgery  Lyon II university 

2008-2010 PG Lingual orthodontics paris V university

2007 Orthodntics pediatric diploma  paris VI university

2005  Orthodntics certficats  paris V university

1997-2002 DDS Aleppo university

Expériences professionnelle

2019-today Lecturer Ivry university (university certificate of aligners orthodontics)

2019-today Lecturer la reunion university (university diploma of aligners orthodontics)

2016-today Board member of SFOPA French Aligner society

2016-today manager of EUMAA “european master of aligner” France

2017-today clinical manager of Invisalign center  clinic Dubai UAE

2015 Board Editor members of JAO , JPIO

2011-today  owner of la réserve orthodontics practice 

2009-today  private practice  Toulon sourire - Toulon

2009-2006 Lecturer paris V university

Leading specialist in aligner therapy in Italy. Over 22 years of experience with aligners.

Member of the European Board of Orthodontics, an active member at the Italian Society of Orthodontics, an International Member of the American Association of Orthodontics, a Member of the European Society of Orthodontics (EOS), an Active Member European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO), World Federation of Orthodontics (WFO).

Founding member of the Italian Academy of Orthodontics (AIDOR).

Past president of European Aligner Society and current Scientific Chairman.

Author of more than 80 orthodontic papers.

Speaker and consultant European Invisalign.

OHI-S is the world's leading educational platform for dentists worldwide!


Our core product is training led by the top global speakers in all branches of dentistry. On our platform, you will find courses covering every dental specialty. We offer a comprehensive range of educational formats: congresses, seminars, hands-on workshops, and online courses.


We provide education in 7 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Ukrainian, Russian.


Our offline projects take place in the most picturesque locations around the world: Kyoto, Florence, Rome, Bologna, Vienna, Berlin, and Prague. Our clients always have a unique opportunity to combine acquiring valuable knowledge with experiencing rich cultural environments.


OHI-S is not just a platform, it’s an entire ecosystem for professionals. Our mobile application, marketplace, and specialized social network connect dentists from all corners of the globe, creating a powerful community for knowledge exchange and collective growth.