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Orthodontics for growing patients: aligners, functional appliances, growth modification
313 $
Online course on orthodontic treatment of children and teenagers!
World-renowned orthodontists will give you treatment protocols for growing patients using:
– aligners
– functional appliances
– palate expanders
– growth modifications
– serial extraction method.
O curso inclui aulas:
Palatal Expander Anchored on Deciduous Teeth in Mixed Dentition Indication, Tips and Tricks
Marco RosaThe use of fixed and removable functional appliance in children
Padhraig FlemingEarly intervention to make Non Extraction Orthodontics possible for Aligner Treatment
John K. KakuOrthocraniodontics in the treatment of adolescents. Using the ALF appliance
Дмитрий СавиновMostre mais (2)
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conferências (6 pessoas)
Creator of the Marco Rosa appliance and new treatments protocols.
Former President and Active Member of the Angle Society of Europe.
Member of the European Board and the Italian Board of Orthodontics.
Visiting professor at many Universities, in Italy and abroad.
Scientific interests: early orthodontic treatment, space closure in case of upper missing incisors, interdisciplinary treatment, orthodontics and periodontics, effective orthodontics.
Leading specialist in aligner therapy in Italy. Over 22 years of experience with aligners.
Member of the European Board of Orthodontics, an active member at the Italian Society of Orthodontics, an International Member of the American Association of Orthodontics, a Member of the European Society of Orthodontics (EOS), an Active Member European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO), World Federation of Orthodontics (WFO).
Founding member of the Italian Academy of Orthodontics (AIDOR).
Past president of European Aligner Society and current Scientific Chairman.
Author of more than 80 orthodontic papers.
Professor, Consultant and Postgraduate Training Lead in Orthodontics at the Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London.
Сo-authored three successful orthodontic textbooks.
Clinical Consultant, Align Technology.
Member of Japan Association of Adult Orthodontics.
Member of Japan Orthodontic Society.
Member of American Association of Orthodontists.
Mostre mais (2)
OHI-S is the world's leading educational platform for dentists worldwide!
Our core product is training led by the top global speakers in all branches of dentistry. On our platform, you will find courses covering every dental specialty. We offer a comprehensive range of educational formats: congresses, seminars, hands-on workshops, and online courses.
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Our offline projects take place in the most picturesque locations around the world: Kyoto, Florence, Rome, Bologna, Vienna, Berlin, and Prague. Our clients always have a unique opportunity to combine acquiring valuable knowledge with experiencing rich cultural environments.
OHI-S is not just a platform, it’s an entire ecosystem for professionals. Our mobile application, marketplace, and specialized social network connect dentists from all corners of the globe, creating a powerful community for knowledge exchange and collective growth.
Recommended for: Orthodontists, General dentists.
Total CE credits: 9
Total lecture time: 9 h 39 min
OHI-S receives no commercial support for this program.
The articles:
1. Very early orthodontic treatment: when, why and how? Ute E M Schneider-Moser, Lorenz Moser. 2022
2. Factors related to maxillary expander loss due to anchoring deciduous molars exfoliation during treatment in the mixed dentition phase. Vincenzo Quinzi, Fabio Federici Canova, Fiorella Alessandra Rizzo, Giuseppe Marzo, Marco Rosa, Jasmina Primozic. 2021
This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP).
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at ADA.org/CERP.