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Подробное обучение по нейромышечной стоматологии от ведущих специалистов США, Европы и Азии!

Лекторы научат вас лечить следующие патологии в нейромышечной концепции:

– мышечно-суставные дисфункции

– кранио-цервикально-мандибулярные дисфункции

– патологическую стираемость

– синдром ночного апноэ.

Вы изучите подробные диагностические и лечебные протоколы работы в нейромышечной концепции:

– нервные блокады

– электромиография

– кинезиография нижней челюсти

– электросонография

– TENS-терапия

– протоколы нейромышечной ортодонтии

– тотальная реабилитация полости рта.

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conferências (6 pessoas)

Orthodontist, gnathology specialist, clinic «The center of functional orthodontics and prosthesis». Member of the European Orthodontic Society. Member of the pediatric dentistry department with the course of maxillofacial surgery at the First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg. Chief editor of the «Orthodontics On-line» internet project. Author of series of seminars in orthodontics.

Medical doctor and orthodontist with extensive teaching experience in the field of Neuromuscular Orthodontics. He received his Medical degree Summa Cum Laude from the University of Naples in 1987 and his specialty degree in Orthodontics and Gnathology from the University of Padua in 1990.

His main focus since 1988 has been the application of the Neuromuscular principals to orthodontics. He developed a unique orthodontic diagnostic and treatment protocol and concieved Neuromuscular Orthodontics as a distinct branch of the orthodontic specialty (1994,Savasystem).

He has lectured in Brazil, Spain, India, Bahrain, UAE, Canada, Czech Republic,Russia,Ukraine, UK and Italy since 1989. He has acquired an extensive experience for complex TMJ pathologies and maxillo-facial surgery as a hospital consultant for 15 years.

Director and adjunct professor for the Masters on Neuromuscular Orthodontics at the Universitat of De Valls, Andorra 2015-2017. Founder and President of ICNOG (International College of Neuromuscular Orthodontics and Gnathology) in 2006.Adjunct professor for the Masters on Neuromuscular Orthodontics at the Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain.

General dentist with 30 years of experience, USA. Head of the Academy of Minimally Invasive Implantology. Director of Education for the Pacific Aesthetic Continuum. Maintains a private practice in Sacramento, CA, focused on comprehensive dentistry and function.
Leading US specialist in the field of neuromuscular dentistry and the treatment of TMD. Researcher in neuromuscular dentistry. The owner of a clinic in the USA that specializes in the treatment of pain.

OHI-S is the world's leading educational platform for dentists worldwide!


Our core product is training led by the top global speakers in all branches of dentistry. On our platform, you will find courses covering every dental specialty. We offer a comprehensive range of educational formats: congresses, seminars, hands-on workshops, and online courses.


We provide education in 7 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Ukrainian, Russian.


Our offline projects take place in the most picturesque locations around the world: Kyoto, Florence, Rome, Bologna, Vienna, Berlin, and Prague. Our clients always have a unique opportunity to combine acquiring valuable knowledge with experiencing rich cultural environments.


OHI-S is not just a platform, it’s an entire ecosystem for professionals. Our mobile application, marketplace, and specialized social network connect dentists from all corners of the globe, creating a powerful community for knowledge exchange and collective growth.