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Ортодонтические протоколы Рафаэля Спена

4.65 (17 votos)

235 $

313 $ -25%

disponível 4 dias 14:37:21

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O que está incluído:
6 aulas  (8h 14m)
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Онлайн-курс Raffaele Spenа из 6 вебинаров, во время которых вы изучите:

– Возможности самолигирующих брекетов

– Обоснование альвеолярной кортикотомии: подробный протокол

– Протоколы лечения дистального прикуса с и без удаления зубов

– Эктопированные зубы: импакция, транспозиции и трансмиграции.

Лектор рассмотрит наиболее важные аспекты лечения:

– Диагностика и дифференциальная диагностика

– Пошаговое планирование лечения

– Аппараты и методики их применения

– Завершающие этапы обработки.

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conferências (1 pessoa)

DDS at the University of Napoli in 1984.

Specialty in Orthodontics at University of Pennsylvania in 1988.

Specialty in Orthodontics at University of Ferrara in 2003.

Speaker at Italian and International courses and meetings.

Author of several publications on Italian and International journals.

Reviewer for Italian and International Journals.

Leader in Italy and Europe for the CCO System.

Atlas book “Il trattamento senza estrazioni” in 1998.

Atlas book “Nonextraction Treatment” in 2002.

Coauthor chapter `Nonextraction Treatment` in `Orthodontics – Current principles and techniques` ed. T.M.Graber e R.M.Vanarsdall in 2000.

Updated chapters in 2005, 2011 and 2016 editions of same book.

Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor at University of Pennsylvania from 1988 to 2000.

Professore a contratto Università di Parma from 1996 to 2000.

Professore a contratto Università di Ferrara since 2003.

Active member of AIDO (Italian Accademy of Orthodontics), AAO, SIDO, WFO and EOS.

Scientific secretary of AIDO in 2008-2009.

President of AIDO in 2010.

Active Member of Angle Society of Europe (ASE) since 2005.

Program Chair of ASE in 2015.

Italian Board of Orthodontics in 2001 and European Board of Orthodontics in 2008.

Clinical private office in Napoli.

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