Mauricio Gonzalez Balut
Minhas especialidades e subespecialidades
Informações gerais
Sobre mim
Президент Ассоциации Ортодонтии и Челюстно-лицевой Ортопедии г. Мехико.
Председатель Научного комитета Мексиканской ассоциации ортодонтии.
Преподает на кафедре Ортодонтии Национального Автономного Университета Мексики.
Редактор и рецензент журналов: «Scientific Journal of the Universidad Metodista de Sao Paulo Brasil», «Journal of the Asociación Dental Mexicana».
Doctor in Dental Surgery: Intercontinental University, Mexico City 1990-1994.
Master of Science in Orthodontics: Loma Linda University 1996-1998.
Facial and Reconstruction Course: Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery, Concepts in Excellence: With Dr. William Arnett, Santa Barbara California 1997.
First Place at the First Scientific Contest of Dental Schools and Universities at the Military School of Dentistry, 1993.
Member of the International College of Dentists, October 2007.
Fellow Member of the American College of Dentists, 2015.
Fellow Member of the International Academy for Dental and Facial Aesthetics
Board Certified by the Mexican Board of Orthodontists, Secretary of Public Education, Dirección General de Profesiones, March 2009.
Ten Year Medal Award as part of the Faculty Staff of the Department of Orthodontics graduate program of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, May, 2010.
`Ambassador` of the American Association of Orthodontists in Mexico, 2015.
`Ambassador` of the Be Active Dentist Association of Poland, Wroclaw, Poland 2015.